2017 The idea
Started working on idea
ITSAAL LTD was formed in 2020 to act as an Integrated IT Services Provider in the United Kingdom to offer its core services. ITSAAL has been creating exceptional value for their customers and partners in the industry by offering diverse set of services portfolio ranging from IT Services, Software Development, Project Management, Social Media Marketing eCommerce. The Company has rooted out of UK with its reach in Middle East, Asia, Australia, Europe and USA.
2017 The idea
Started working on idea
2022 UK
First multi-tenant system went into operation
2023- Go Global
Expanding to clients and delivery/project sites around the world
Started working on idea
Registered company in UK and sold the first pilot into UK Law Enforcement
Production system is ready for launch after the successful completion of initial pilot
First multi-tenant system went into operation
Expanding to clients and delivery/project sites around the world
ITSAAL LTD was formed in 2020 to act as an Integrated IT Services Provider in the United Kingdom to offer its core services.
ITSAAL has been creating exceptional value for their customers and partners in the industry by offering diverse set of
services portfolio ranging from IT Services, Software Development, Project Management, Social Media Marketing & eCommerce. The Company has rooted out of UK with its
reach in Middle East, Asia, Australia, Europe and USA.
ITSAAL has focused its core competencies on Cloud Computing, Information Management, Digital Media Conversion, Media Codecs, Transcribing, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Contextual Analysis, Distributed & Parallel Processing And Consulting. For last 3 years, we have been focusing on delivering Digital Transformation Experience
specially in Cloud Infrastructure, Video, Audio, Image, Text And Context Analytics Conversions.
The Focus in 2023 to enable scalable services for media conversion including Audio, Video and Image by leveraging Cloud Computing, On-demand Scalable Processing And Microservices based architecture to offer SaaS Services to Public & Private Customers with highly customised, efficient and secure multi-tenant platform. The Team is focusing on core product development, security, scalability and resiliency on the cloud platform to have it launched in multiple regions including United States, United Kingdom, Middle East, Africa and Australia.
• You are facing a technology refresh in the next year.
• You need to add capacity for growing workloads.
• You have a new application project.
• You plan to launch a technology driven business initiative.
• You are considering outsourcing part or all of your IT environment.
• You have outsourced and aren’t getting the results you want